High comfort with best-in-class operational reliability
Right after project hand-over, our experienced and dedicated service team takes over the responsibility of delivering the highest possible quality of output and operational reliability to our customers.
Our service team takes care of the plant performance according to the agreement with the customer. Key focus is to eliminate the customer’s worries and maximize efficiency.
In addition to the services provided in our 24/7 remote service package (see more below), our customers have the option to extend their warranty period by 1 year.
Airco Service Solutions
WE GOT YOU – 24/7, 365
We take a pride in ensuring optimal uptime on our solutions. Thus, we have constructed a service package that ensures that the plant we have operationalized is performing at its optimum, to avoid unplanned stoppages and production loss. Our service package includes:
- ✔ Annual Plant Performance Review
- ✔ Plant Performance Optimization
- ✔ Major Equipment Preventive Maintenance
- ✔ Direct Partnership
- ✔ Scheduled & Unscheduled Support
- ✔ Critical Spares (Premium+)
- ✔ Specialized staff training
On the other hand, our service team’s most prominent task is also to avoid an extensive downtime. Our service package also includes a range of services that ensures the plant is quickly back up and running in case of unplanned stoppages:
- ✔ Critical Spares
- ✔ 24/7 service
- ✔ Remote Service Management
Annual plant performance review
One or more annual plant walkthroughs where we:
• Evaluate the performance of all main equipment
• Make minor adjustments if needed
• Check the cooling system
• Conduct basic plant maintenance training
• Provide a detailed service report
Plant Performance optimization
After the plant has been put in operation you may wish to:
• Increase plant performance
• Optimize equipment output
• Minimise utility consumption
Major equipment preventive maintenance
Maintaining major equipment is crucial to avoid unplanned stoppages:
• Replacement of tear & wear parts
• Utility check (oil, water etc.)
• Check for risk of leakage on various elements
Direct partnership
Entering a Direct Partnership gives you advantages:
• Direct Partners are at all time first in line to receive support, whether it is 24/7 hotline, onsite or offsite service
Training of staff
Our training will be conducted at the end of commissioning, but you can book a new session if needed for:
• Keeping staff up to date
• Ensuring everybody is aware of plants adjustments and changes
Critical Spares
Some spares are considered critical and have long delivery time. We can ensure:
• You get a list of all spares and can decide which you wish to stock
• We can also offer you to keep some spares in stock for you
24/7 Service
We got your back! And can ensure:
• You can reach us anytime and anywhere remotely!
• We log on to your PLC and help resolve plant issues
• If not resolved remotely we will send a technician first thing
Remote Service Management
We are connected – with your approval!
• This makes us able to locate issues – sometimes before they get worse
• We can assist you in having a plant performing at the best possible level